What I Was Watching in November 2022

Normally, I would have said October and November were meh when it comes to movie releases, but surprisingly, it was hard to decide which ones I’d review and which ones I’d just enjoy and put here. Maybe the world of cinema is getting a jump start on awards season. Either way, I ain’t mad about it.

Jerry and Marge Go Large
Paramount Plus

There was a lot more sappy, Full House style feels in this movie than I anticipated, especially based solely on the preview, but it’s cruel to ding it for being “too feel good.” So, hey, this is a really interesting story, but it’s also not the best writing, so some really incredible actors sound a bit stilted and forced. It’s a fun movie, however, and the whole family could probably enjoy it.
The Verdict: 3/5


Once again, I think this was going to be a pseudo-true crime story, and I’m a bit off. The cast is solid and the premise was interesting (and also a true-ish story) but it was missing that extra oomph to make it a wonderful movie. I can’t figure out if it would work better as a mini series or just a podcast episode, but somehow this just didn’t live up to my expectations.
The Verdict: 3/5

Triangle of Sadness
In theaters

Just like I discovered with The Menu, what you see in the preview is what you get with Triangle of Sadness. And then multiply it tenfold. The people in my theater (me included) gasped, laughed out loud, winced and groaned. I normally wouldn’t say this for sake of avoiding spoilers, but I’d check doesthedogdie.com for any potential triggers, especially if you’re squeamish. (URL name is not a spoiler - it covers a variety of concerns.)
The Verdict: 3.5/5


I have no idea how I am a 90s kid and haven’t seen this movie until 2022. I knew something about Selena’s story but not the whole scope of it before her tragic murder. I really appreciated learning more about her and thought Jennifer Lopez did a wonderful job. This is obviously a bit late and far from being a hot take, but I’m so glad I finally watched it.
The Verdict: 3.75/5

News of the World

I forgot that this movie exists, despite it being nominated for some Oscars earlier this year. Lately, I feel less and less attachment to Tom Hanks movies. I have no idea why, but despite him playing a myriad of characters, it always feels like the same person to me. I’m slightly relieved that I didn’t miss out by not watching this sooner. It was fine, but I have way more issues with a mediocre movie than a terrible one.
The Verdict: 3/5

Long weekends and dreary weather really creates the perfect movie environment, so I fully intend to keep diving in through the winter.