Wrap Up: What I Was Watching In November 2019

Apparently I’m refusing to slow down as the year comes to an end and am instead racing towards the finish line. Between double features at the movie theaters (thanks Regal Pass) and finally watching the Star Wars prequel trilogy, I’ve been going through my to-watch list like crazy. I feel like every week there are a new couple of movies I’m dying to see in theaters. Fingers crossed some hang around til January and February when the releases start slowing.

The Laundromat

As someone who really enjoyed The Big Short despite being a tiny bit confused by it, I thought this was a really fun movie. I somehow felt a little incomplete by the time it ended, but the gimmick still worked for me for the most part. And the constant, “What, THEY are in this movie too??” was awfully enjoyable.
The Verdict: 3/5

Ford v Ferrari
In theaters

For about a third of this movie, all I could think about was the film Rush that had a similar feel a few years ago. And as I enjoyed that one, so did I with this. It was beautifully shot and extremely interesting. However, and this might be due to the fact that this was the second in-theater movie I was watching in an evening, I felt it was a tad too long.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

Jojo Rabbit
In theaters

I went into this movie expecting, maybe incorrectly, a similar humor the entire time as Thor: Ragnarok since Taika Watiti was at the helm. I got that for about half of it, but then the movie seemed to take a turn into the dark and serious rather than the darkly funny. I can’t tell how well it worked, but I had some definite movie tone whiplash from it.
The Verdict: 3/5

Charlie’s Angels
In theaters

When everyone on the internet started talking badly about this film, I went in with zero expectations and was beyond pleasantly surprised. I laughed harder at this remake far more than I anticipated and was totally invested the entire time. And I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say this is my favorite thing that Kristen Stewart has done by a long shot.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

Drop Dead Gorgeous

A friend of mine was baffled that I hadn’t seen this movie and after watching it, I see why. This satire is absolutely insane and laugh-out-loud funny. Other than a use of ‘the r word’ quite a bit, it manages to age extremely well, and if it isn’t already considered a cult classic, I can only assume it will be sometime soon.
The Verdict: 3.5/5


One of my biggest pop culture regrets is not getting to see this movie in theaters. I can’t say enough wonderful things about Booksmart. It’s smart, it’s extremely well written, you become invested in the characters almost immediately and it’s wonderfully shot. This will be a movie I will definitely come back to.
The Verdict: 4.5/5

The Good Liar
In theaters

I knew nothing about this movie but the cast since the trailers didn’t give very much away. And to be honest, that’s all I needed to get me into the theater to see it. While the film was well acted, I did feel like the plot was somehow predictable and intriguing at the same time. You could see what was coming but not how, and I think I had higher expectations than that for a movie starring Ian McKellan and Helen Mirren.
The Verdict: 3/5

The Phantom Menace

It’s slightly embarrassing that I literally write about movies and haven’t seen all of Star Wars until this month. However, after seeing this one, I didn’t really regret not watching it. As adorable as baby Anakin was, and as much as I was fully in on Padme, JarJar Binks annoyed me so much I really wasn’t invested. Very grateful that I was told the other two are better.
The Verdict: 2.5/5

Attack of the Clones

I was a bit more on board for this one, despite finding adult Anakin infinitely more annoying than little Anakin. Between Padme being fabulous and Yoda being a teeny little ass-kicker (and me screaming Jimmy Smits!!), I was more invested. And I will say that when this one ended, I did immediately feel compelled to start the final part of the trilogy, so that should count for something.
The Verdict: 3/5

Revenge of the Sith

Well unlike many trilogies, I have to say this one got better and better with each movie. I’m not sure if it was actually the best movie out of the three or if I just enjoyed closing the gap between this story and the original trilogy. Either way, I’m so glad I’ve finally watched them and am going to rewatch everything else in timeline order to get the full effect of the Star Wars universe.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

Are there any classics, legitimate or modern, that you haven’t seen? With some of them, it seems so easy to know just enough to get by in conversations without actually watching them.