Wrap Up: What I Was Watching In August 2020

I’ve taken August to get back into the swing of things. I’m trying to watch more films, while being mindful that I’m not white-washing my media consumption, and also taking some breaks and remembering to try to find some joy. For me, that’s turning back to movies. For the most part, I can’t stop almost-hate-binging Love Island, so I decided to make a lot of my movie choices this month to be a bit more significant. I tacked on a couple that were leaving streaming at the end of the month, but I also took some recommendations from friends. It turned out to be an impressive range of movies, not gonna lie.

The Assistant

This movie was incredibly well made and acted, but there were some aspects that I felt just weren’t quite there. I got the fear, concern and frustration that they were trying to convey, but I wonder if it would have been more powerful if it hadn’t been over such a short time period. It just felt a bit unsatisfying.
The Verdict: 3/5

The Wedding Planner

I could have sworn I’ve seen this movie, but as I watched it I realized I truly hadn’t all the way through. Jennifer Lopez is incredibly charming but, I don’t know, same as with My Best Friend’s Wedding, it’s just really hard to root for potentially crappy main characters. I just find myself wondering if I even want them to have a happy ending.
The Verdict: 2.5/5

The Long Dumb Road

I watched this solely for the fact that Jason Mantzoukas is a main actor in it. I knew nothing else. And I’m not going to lie, I was pleasantly surprised. It was relatively funny and pretty well written, even if it wasn’t exactly an award winner. It’s a comedy that I was happy to spend some time with on a streaming service.
The Verdict: 3/5

Another Version of You

A friend of mine recommended this movie, and my only real gripe about it is one I often have with lower budget rom-coms: the constant repetition of everyone’s names. On the flip side, it was incredibly fun to watch a movie so clearly set in Nashville, and enjoy a sort of sci-fi/fantasy twist on a standard romantic comedy.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

About Time

I don’t know what I thought this movie was. Maybe a hybrid of The Time-Traveler’s Wife and a Nicholas Sparks movie? But when a friend recommended it, I realized my gut may have been wrong on this one - and I was incredibly surprised. Nothing about this movie went exactly as I anticipated and I’m really glad I finally took the time to watch this lovely film.
The Verdict: 4/5

Athlete A

I went through just about every emotion imaginable watching this documentary about the US Gymnastic team abuse scandal/cover up. I was infuriated, determined to fight people, horrified, and then inevitably really proud of these women who stood up and made their stories known, and relieved that someone finally believed them all.
The Verdict: 4/5

Sorry to Bother You

I literally could not explain this movie if I tried. I went in knowing hardly anything about it, but it turns out that was the perfect way to watch it. It is partially a social commentary, partially a comedy and partially…..completely insane. I have to recommend it, but you definitely have to keep an open mind.
The Verdict: 4/5

The Last Full Measure

With as amazing of a cast as this movie has, I wanted to immediately love it. And I will say it is better than your run-of-the-mill war film, but it all wrapped up a little too neatly with a bow. It’s based off a true story, so maybe that’s to be expected if that’s how things actually turn out, but I felt like there needed just something a bit more to it somehow.
The Verdict: 3/5

The Last Black Man in San Francisco

This is a truly beautiful movie. The colors, scenery, everything were mesmerizing. The acting and writing are extremely well done, but honestly, I’m just still amazed by how it looked. This was another film I’m kind of glad I saw with zero expectations because I was just able to be absorbed by the movie and go wherever it wanted to take me.
The Verdict: 4/5

Extra Ordinary
Prime - rental

A friend recommended this one to me and it sounded just insane enough that I had to watch it for myself. Full disclaimer, there are some things that could offend or worry some people, so maybe check the trailer first, but this was a fully ridiculous and incredibly fun movie to watch. It’s a perfect example of British humor at its finest. And Will Forte at his most insane.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

One Day

I almost rated this a 3 because it seemed kind of just ‘fine’ but then realized that’s kind of an insult to this movie. It’s actually a solid romance, and despite a bit of predictability, it works pretty well. Anne Hathaway’s British accent isn’t the most amazing, but she’s utterly charming and it’s very easy to root for the main characters, even when it’s obvious they aren’t at their best.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

Jerry Maguire

I was nervous going into this one since so many cultural juggernauts of movies that I’ve watched a few decades too late don’t hold up for me (looking at you, John Hughes), but I truly enjoyed this movie. It was a teensy bit long, but it held my interest and it was really fun to hear where so many of our pop culture phrases originated. (Also, a young Regina King was a selling point for me and was worth watching for her alone.)
The Verdict: 3.5/5

I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about going back into theaters, and I am really curious to see if it’s going to be sustainable. Even though they’re open in some places, I wonder if more things will be postponed if a lot of people aren’t willing to go, since the profits would not at all be what the big production companies are hoping for.