What I Was Watching in May 2022

I accidentally watched a stupid amount of movies this month, including one day when I powered through four. Considering I use the HBO leaving soon list as a way to narrow down my selections, I am going to need them to drop less movies every month. I’m only one person!


This movie is Nic Cage to the max, and it’s pretty impressive. He plays twins, one a stilted screenwriter and the other an affable semi-screwup who wants to try his hand at his brother’s trade. The interactions are truly hilarious, albeit baffling, especially when you delve in further. There is the oddest performance from Meryl Streep that I’ve ever seen, and that alone may be a good enough reason to watch.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

The Bad Guys
in theaters

I can’t help but be impressed when I see a new, pretty imaginative concept to a movie in 2022. So The Bad Guys is already killing it in my book. There is a gang of animal criminals, some snarky humor and a large amount of Guinea pigs. Sure, it’s an odd combination, but it’s a pretty unique cartoon that could entertain a wide variety of audiences.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

The Northman
In theaters

Thought 1: Anya Taylor-Joy is incredible in everything she does. Thought 2: Oh no, why does this remind me of The Green Knight? Thought 3: Well, okay, sure, I guess that may as well happen. With this cast and a Shakespearean plot line, I expected this to be incredible. And yet, it was too long, had too many unnecessary style choices and showed too much animal violence for my taste.
The Verdict: 2.5/5

Muppets from Space

This is an extremely silly movie, but that’s exactly what it intends to be. We get a lot of subtext in this film, which may only be because of the world we’re in now, about how hard it may be to not know where you come from or who you are, so it had some poignancy that sneaks up on you when you think you’re just spending 90 minutes with some amusing and odd puppets. (Never thought I’d type that sentence.)
The Verdict: 3.5/5

The Answer Man

My opinion on this movie changed roughly every thirty minutes. It was definitely not what I anticipated, because based solely on the first fifteen minutes, I thought I had stumbled into a questionable Christian themed film with a shockingly impressive cast. However, it turned more into a relatively solid romantic comedy when all was said and done.
The Verdict: 3/5


Somehow, I keep watching movies that feature Nicole Kidman. I’m definitely not mad about it, but it’s odd how many different mediocre films I find her in (note: she’s never the problem). Based on the title, I - reasonably, I think - expected to have some kind of connection to the Dracula author, and yet, nada. Instead, it was just an incredibly odd, unsettling movie.
The Verdict: 3/5

The Italian Job

I love a solid heist movie. Give me a ridiculous goal, an expansive cast and a silly plot in order to reach said goal? I’m so in. The Italian Job is a bit of an older film, so it’s a bit dated in regards to technology, but it is so much fun. I was in it from beginning to end, and I’m even more excited that my best friend owns a Mini Cooper we can zoom around in.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

This Is 40

This was another movie my opinion kept waffling on as I went. Normally, I really enjoy Paul Rudd, but he was my least favorite part. Not through any fault of his own, but the character was incredibly unlikable for the majority of the story. It was difficult to root for a lot of the cast, but each one did make me laugh out loud at least once.
The Verdict: 3/5


Despite my love for Mila Kunis, I almost regret watching this movie. So much of the humor fell flat, including a lot of “women, right?” style jokes. The true highlight for me was Ben Affleck in a truly, hilariously bad wig (no sarcasm - it cracked me up every time he was on screen). For such a funny, solid cast, Extract is a whole lot of nothing.
The Verdict: 2.5/5


I tried to explain this movie briefly to a couple of people and it was truly impossible. If you’re reading this anytime around the publication date, I need to give a true trigger warning: it starts with a school shooting and another scene also features some gun violence. It’s insane to me that I’m having to say that in regards to a movie about an unusual pop star played by Natalie Portman.
The Verdict: 2.5/5

The Perfect Storm

I was tricked. I’m not sure why I had it in my head that this was a pseudo-modern classic, but I was wrong. Another all-star cast, another disappointment of a movie. You think I’d be used to it, but it’s still a bummer. I somehow managed to have zero emotional connection to this film, despite it being about an incredibly tragic, based-on-a-true-story disaster film.
The Verdict: 2.5/5

The Golden Compass

I watched the series version of this tale, called His Dark Materials, and was intrigued, but ultimately wasn’t impressed by the time I caught up and had it all under my belt. Maybe it’s the 110 minute runtime or the casting, but I enjoyed this way more than the show. And yes, this is also yet another installment of Slowly Watching Every Nicole Kidman Film Ever.
The Verdict: 3.25/5

How many Nicole Kidman movies will I accidentally watch next month? Stay tuned for the answer.