What I Was Watching in September 2022

For the first time since I started this blog, I gave myself some grace on sneaking in additional movies that I wasn’t reviewing, so it’s barely worth making this post. But some months will be like that, and that’s okay (or so I tell overachieving inner child).

Moonrise Kingdom

I keep trying. So hard. I want to like Wes Anderson. But with this being my fourth of his movies that just fell flat with me, it’s time I give up on that dream. I just don’t get invested whatsoever and the comedy just makes me frown and unable to be fully entertained. I can’t put my finger on why it doesn’t connect, but alas, maybe this director isn’t for me.
The Verdict: 2.5/5

Purple Heart

I literally forgot I watched this movie because it was so bad. A friend suggested watching it because she heard it was truly awful and the rumors were in fact true. We cackled, winced and mocked it. Normally, it would end up in the so-bad-it’s-good category, but I cannot get over the rhetoric it was peddling. It was so black and white in the worst ways and was unsettling to the point of distraction.
The Verdict: 1.5/5


Little by little, I’m discovering that there are actually a handful of horror movies I’m able to enjoy. Freaky is a truly hilarious film, and the fact that the two main actors had to act as one another, just in their own bodies, showed some skill I was not expecting. The murder-y parts were extremely gruesome, but that seemed to make it easier to handle. It turned from scary to utterly ridiculous.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

Next month, I’m determined to find a lot more time for movies, so if there is anything I should add to the list, please let me know!