14 Movies To Stream For Any Kind of Valentine's Day

Whether you are in a relationship, celebrating the day by treating yourself, hiding from lovebirds or using it as a most excellent excuse to get discount chocolates (because the real holiday is truly February 15th - half price candy day), there are movies out there for you.

I went through streaming services and found a movie for just about every mood - still with a hint of the romance that comes along with the day of ~*~love~*~.

For The Lighthearted
Netflix rocked the rom-com game last year, especially with it’s fake-dating-trope, based-on-a-YA-novel hit To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Everything about this flick is charming and endearing. Even if you aren’t a fan of lovey-dovey moments, this one is well worth the time, even if it’s mostly just to understand why the internet fell in love with the male lead. (Netflix)

For the Dreamy
If you want something far away from modern life, I can’t recommend anything more than The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I’m afraid many people let the title deter them, but that’s a huge mistake. Lily James is truly charming in this period love story, that is just as much with an era and town as it is a relationship. (Netflix)

For the Musical Lovers
If you want a love story that is in the background, or at least goofy and set to the tune of ABBA songs, Mamma Mia may be the movie for you. This is not your average love story and it’s even debatable if it truly is one. But whose day isn’t made better by Meryl Streep belting out some disco-era hits and clearly having the time of her life? (Netflix)

For the ‘80s Kids
John Hughes paved the way when it came to teen, semi-coming-of-age stories and Sixteen Candles is no exception. It could even pave the way to a marathon of these nostalgia-packed films starring the likes of Molly Ringwald. There’s something to be said about a classic, and a lot of those teen rom-coms we loved in the ‘00s probably wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for flicks like this. (Netflix)

For the Ones Who Don’t Like Rom-Coms
Can I interest you in a romantic comedy sort of masquerading as an award-winning drama? Silver Linings Playbook has a hard-hitting cast, a deep storyline and is not always as happy as you’d expect from a love story. It deals with mental health, moving on and how finding someone who gets you can help make staying sane in this world just a bit easier. (Netflix)

For the Ones with a Lot of Time
So this may not be exactly a film, but it’s a mini series, so we’re just gonna roll with it. Amazon Prime has blessed us all with the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice featuring the famous portrayal of Mr. Darcy by Colin Firth. Pour that glass of wine, get the popcorn and settle in, because this period piece can almost take care of your entire Valentine’s Day for you. (Prime)

For Those Who Love ‘How Did This Get Made’
Maybe you have a soft spot for bad movies, maybe you love to mock them, maybe you think a podcast dedicated to truly wondering how some of these films exist is amazing. Whatever your reason, Little Italy may be the way to go. A romance that isn’t quite all there may be just what you need for Cupid’s favorite holiday. And afterwards, you can listen to a bunch of comedians talk about it on the podcast! (Prime)

For the OG Rom-Com Fans
It doesn’t get much better than Miss Congeniality. Stop. End thought. Both it and its sequel are available for streaming. If you take the evening to re-indulge in these films, you’ll be quoting it all night, constantly yelling at people that you’re gliding here! Sandra Bullock is a true delight in this role and you won’t even mind if there’s a sweet and happy ending if you’re boycotting love this holiday. (Prime)

For the True Opposition To Mushiness
So maybe you aren’t a fan of the lovey-dovey films that are popular especially in the month of February. No problem. There’s a film for that. Cruel Intentions is available on Amazon Prime and that is not exactly a warm, mushy feeling that permeates the plot of that one. It’s dark, sexy and still has a bit of an “I’m sorry, what?” factor. (Prime)

For the Ones Who Want Something New
I slept on this indie film, and the minute I saw it, I regretted not having watched it sooner. The Big Sick is one of the most creative and interesting romantic films. Based on a real life love story, it tugs on your heartstrings in surprisingly realistic ways and if checks so many boxes when it comes to being a perfect “any mood” movie. (Prime)

For the Serious
Disobedience is not your standard love story. But it stars Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams in some of their best roles. The movie is dark, dealing with love, loyalty, faith and identity. There’s a decent chance it could cause some tears to well up, but it’s well worth it. If you’re looking for an antidote to light and fluffy, this movie is the perfect serious drama to engage your mind for an evening. (Prime)

For the Galentine’s Day Celebrators
So hold off rolling your eyes on this one and hear me out. Hulu recently put all the Twilight movies on its service. I’m not recommending them because they’re great. I’m saying they’d be perfect for a gathering of girlfriends who want a movie on in the background, or for a drinking game. Because seriously, who isn’t going to crack up at, “Hold on tight, spider monkey?” (Hulu)

For the Weepy
It’s almost impressive I made it this far without mentioning Nicholas Sparks. While his books/movies are not always my thing, even I have a soft spot for A Walk to Remember. It is sentimental, it features a baby Mandy Moore, it has a killer soundtrack and it has a nostalgia level that is insane. If you don’t mind crying a bit at your choice of movies, this one will fit the bill. (Hulu)

For the 00’s Lover
The 2000s were a golden age of teen rom-coms. I can’t even begin to list how many of them have ended up on my favorite film list over the years, thanks mostly to their quotability and endless rewatchability. Chasing Liberty is no exception. I’m not quite sure how I ended up with two Mandy Moore films on this list, but I regret nothing, and neither will you if you take a minute to relive this movie. (Hulu)

Let me know your favorite Valentine’s Day film in the comments! Are you a romance fan or do you prefer to stay clear of anything resembling the heart-eyed emoji?