Wrap Up: What I Was Watching In October 2019

Somehow, this month I have failed impressively at seeing movies the weekend they come out so I haven’t done my best at getting reviews out. However, turns out I got a lot of films in so that isn’t half bad when I look at it that way. Over the next few months, there are so many movies I want to see in the theaters and I can’t wait to get to writing reviews.

In theaters

This movie was beyond adorable. One of the most unique and creative animated films I’ve seen in a long time that wasn’t a direct adaptation, remake or a sequel. Seeing something completely new that held my interest and tugged at my heart is a win in my book.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

A Wrinkle In Time

My expectations were extremely low for this film based off the reviews I had seen early on, so I was pleasantly surprised. Aesthetically, it was amazing to see, but I felt like I was missing something from the book that I just couldn’t place.
The Verdict: 3/5

In theaters

I was so impressed by how Renee Zellweger disappeared into the Judy Garland role - and how much I learned about her life. It was a fairly tragic tale, but still overwhelmingly entertaining as we went behind the scenes of one of the most recognizable actresses of all time.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

The House Bunny

Somehow I missed this one despite it coming out in the prime comedy season where I was watching any and everything. It aged okay and going in with no expectations made this a funny, light watch - though it did just remind me a lot of Sydney White in many ways.
The Verdict: 3/5

In theaters

I wanted to like this. I really did. But something about it didn’t sit super well with me. I’m sure the anxiety I got from this was what they intended, and Joaquin Phoenix did a great job, but despite it looking beautiful, I just couldn’t get on board fully.
The Verdict: 3.25/5

Gemini Man
In theaters

When I saw this one only had a 20% or so on Rotten Tomatoes, I was so ready to see this one. After being forced to see that trailer before every other movie for the last 8 months, I needed to know what was happening. And honestly, it earned that score. If you love a bad-ish movie, it’s worth the trip.
The Verdict: 2/5


For being a baseball lover, it’s insane how long it took for me to get to this one. It was such a good film and super enjoyable. Learned a lot about a huge figure in baseball and got a glance into history - the good, the bad and the ugly.
The Verdict: 4.5/5

Groundhog Day

How I hadn’t seen this movie until 2019 is baffling considering I have seen Caddyshack more times than I can count. I was pretty impressed how well this one seems to hold up in comparison to other movies from this time - but it was such a fun watch that I’m now so bummed it’s taken off Netflix.
The Verdict: 3.5/5

Any upcoming award-bait-y movies you’re really looking forward to?