Hugh Jackman Lives Up To 'The Greatest Showman' Name

  • Starring Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Zac Efron, Zendaya and Rebecca Ferguson
  • Rated PG
  • Biography/Drama/Musical
  • Run time: 1 hr, 45 min
  • Directed by Michael Gracey
  • In theaters December 20, 2017

It's rare to find a musical take on the big screen that isn't a remake or adaptation of a previous song-filled flick. It's even more rare to find a more unique musical that is a legitimate hit. However, when you combine an incredible cast (welcome back to singing, Hugh!), wonderfully catchy songs and a visually beautiful movie, it's no surprise.

Sure, there is a bit of a dark side to the true story of P.T. Barnum, so don't go into this looking for a truly accurate portrayal of the circus starting up. But the way the film goes about it, combining the family life of Barnum (Hugh Jackman) with the fantastical backdrop of the greatest show on earth, creates such an enveloping movie that it almost doesn't matter how close to reality it lies. 


All the voices in The Greatest Showman manage to stand out among the crowd. It's obvious that Jackman is doing something he enjoys and he pairs excellently against Zac Efron, especially in their musical-duel in "The Other Side." Efron and Zendaya's chemistry is convincing and absolutely beautiful to watch (and if you don't leave the show humming "Rewrite the Stars," I do not understand you as a person). Michelle Williams has a simply charming voice and presence within this film and every member of the circus' cast has at least one stand-out moment in the film.

There's something inspiring that swells in your chest after seeing this movie, and leaves you feeling like you can, in fact, conquer just about anything. The soundtrack holds up for repeated listens in the car as you pump yourself up for work or that exercise class. There are so many beautiful moments that it's a definite win for musical fans. But if you prefer to not sing along with your movies, I'd recommend you check out one of the other theaters.


Rating: 4 out of 5 Singing Duels In A Bar