'Kong: Skull Island' Is An Action Movie Picture Perfect For 2017

Kong: Skull Island

  • Starring Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, John Goodman and John C. Reilly

  • Action-Fantasy-Adventure

  • Rated PG-13

  • Run Time: 2 hours

  • In theaters March 10, 2017

When it comes to action films of the 2010 decade, everything becomes fairly formulaic. There's going to be a beautiful woman - who could quite possibly be a damsel in distress, a big bad (be it a supervillain, a monster or an unknown entity), a huge shoot-em-out sequence and some quippy remarks.

Thankfully, Kong: Skull Island takes the more enjoyable tropes of recent action films and drops those that tend to bring them down. Sure, Brie Larson is stunning, but she is no damsel. The big bad may not be exactly who you think and the shoot-em-out sequence is actually split up over the entire movie rather than one over-long scene towards the end. The snark is in full force, however, and in the best way possible.

The humor may be one of the most enjoyable surprises when it comes to this mega-monster movie. The quips and sarcasm seems perfectly on brand with the war-hardened soldiers that make up the band of characters taking on Skull Island and its terrifying creatures.

The action does its job well keeping the audience tense as fight scenes play across the screen and every actor pulls his or her part in a truly well-performed ensemble cast, leaving it hard to even attempt to locate a weak link. The film - especially the after-credit scene (so stick around) - clearly is playing a part to set up an entire new cinematic universe based on the existence of the larger than life monsters.

You'll jump, you'll laugh, you'll potentially be awed by the impressive figure that is none other than King Kong.


Rating: 3/5 Wrigley Field Cave Drawings