Porgs and Rebels and Droids - Oh My! 'The Last Jedi' Delivers A Galaxy Of Wonders

  • Starring Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern
  • Rated PG-13
  • Action/Adventure/Fantasy
  • Run time: 2 hr, 32 min
  • Directed by Rian Johnson
  • In theaters December 15, 2017

If you thought Star Wars couldn't get any bigger, it turns out, you're very, very wrong. The major players are all back, the stakes seem to be a bit higher and we're visiting worlds never before seen. Granted, this is how it goes whenever a piece of media is a part of the Star Wars universe, but somehow, this one feels even more grandiose.

It starts out small enough, with a few simple seeming plotlines. The majority of the characters are still reeling from the previous film's actions and are trying to recover. Rey (Daisy Ridley) has gone in search of Luke (Mark Hamill) to help her understand and learn what kinds of power she may possess. Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) is pouting a bit and trying to keep a handle on those who report to him. 

Creating a plot description for this film without spoiling anything is like attempting to tiptoe through a minefield while wearing giant clown shoes. However, while the majority of the film is as strong as one would hope, a few plot lines do seem to fall short, whether they seem a bit forced (such as a pseudo-love story that comes off as rushed and rather unnecessary) or don't quite make sense (like Poe's plot which involves some serious problems with authority and a lack of information).


Scenes between Ridley and Hamill are easily some of the standouts in this film, though some details of Luke's far-off planet seem odd - even by Star Wars standards. The two actors play off each other beautifully and bring out different aspects of the characters that hadn't really been seen before. Laura Dern's performance is also a joy to watch - and not just because she has the greatest lavender wig ever created.

There are quite a few things that probably make truly devoted Star Wars fans waffle back and forth on whether or not they truly liked the film, but for casual viewers, it's a fun exploration of this universe - and with some absolutely spectacular new space creatures (Porgs! Ice foxes! Space rabbit horses!). Aesthetically, the film is stunning and that alone is enough to keep audiences fascinated for the two and a half hour run time.

At the movie's close, there's even more questions as to where the series will go from there (so many more films in this universe have already been announced!) and how certain character's plots will advance and develop but I suspect that nothing about this movie will prevent Star Wars fans from lining up for many more forays into a galaxy far, far away.


Rating: 4 out of 5 Space Rabbit Horses